Our team of doctors

Dr. med. Malte Hunscha

• Graduated from the Leipzig Medical School

• Specialist training at the Lichtenberg Children's Clinic (Sana Klinikum) and the German Pediatric Urology Center Berlin (DRK Westend)

• Father of three children

Dr. med. Maren Lindau

• Graduate of the Charité University Medicine Berlin

• Specialist training in the children's clinics in Brandenburg a.d. Havel and Emil from Behring Klinikum Zehlendorf as well as in one Pediatric practice in Reinickendorf

• Mother of two children

Dr. med. Josephine Richter

• Recently on pregnancy/maternity leave

• Graduate of the Charité University Medicine Berlin

• Specialist training in the clinics Achenbach-Krankenhaus Königs Wusterhausen and the Asklepios Children's Clinic Sankt Augustin as well as in a pediatric practice in Berlin-Moabit

• Mother of two children

Dr. med. Benedict Delf

• Graduate of Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München

• Specialist training in the clinics Augsburg (Josefinum) and Kinderklinik Berlin Tempelhof (St. Joseph Krankenhaus)

• Father of a daughter

Our practice team

Team Kinderarztpraxis am Oskar

from left: Saskia (on parental leave), Dennis, Antonia, Steven, Sarah, Mahtab